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MobileMe Family Pack
Výrobca: Apple |  Doba dodania (dni): 0 |  Záručná doba (mesiace):0
MobileMe Family Pack
Licencia pre 5 počítačov.
MobileMe je internetová služba od Apple, ktorá automaticky prenáša nové e-maily, kontakty a termíny z kalendára na váš Mac alebo PC a tiež aj na iPod touch a iPhone. Vaše zariadenia sú tak vždy na aktuálnom stave nezávisle od toho, kde sa práve nachádzate. So službou MobileMe záskavate tiež možnosť na jednoduché publikovanie fotografií, 20 GB online pamäťového priestoru a ešte oveľa viac.

Nachádzate sa v archíve.

Tento produkt už nie je v ponuke.


* elektornická služby spoločnosti Apple
* automatická alebo manuálna synchornizácia (mail, kalendár, kontakty)
* podpora synchornizácie aj pre iPhone a iPod touch
* pristup kdekoľvek kde je internet
* iDisk pristupný z ľubovoľného web prehliadača
* možnosť vytvárania vlastných galérii

MobileMe is a service that pushes new email, contacts, and calendar events over the air to all your devices. So your iPhone, Mac, and PC stay in perfect sync. No docking required. And that’s just one of many ways MobileMe simplifies your life.

Sign up for a 60-day free trial. Sign up for a 60-day free trial

Mail, Contacts, and Calendar. All your stuff. Always in sync.

Maybe you have a Mac at home, a PC at work, and an iPhone. MobileMe uses push technology to keep them all up to date. Make a change on one, and the rest are automatically updated. Learn more

MobileMe icon in sync with iPhone, MacBook Pro and PC

A better way to share photos.

With MobileMe, you can create a beautiful web gallery of your photos in just a few clicks. Add new photos directly from your iPhone. And let your friends add photos of their own. Learn more

Gallery screens on iPhone and Mac

Your hard drive on the web.

iDisk makes it easy to store and share files online, so you can access them anytime from any computer and, soon, from your iPhone, too. iDisk also lets you share files too big to email. Learn more

iDisk icon and iDisk sample screens on iPhone and Mac

Great new features for
iPhone and iPod touch.

Don’t know where your iPhone is? Let MobileMe help you find it with the Find My iPhone feature. And soon, a free iDisk app for iPhone and iPod touch will let you access and share files wherever you are. Learn more

Remote Wipe icon and Find My iPhone interface on Mac and iPhone

MobileMe keeps your mail, contacts, and calendar information in the “cloud” and uses push technology to keep everything in sync across your iPhone, Mac, PC, and the web automatically. So no matter where you go or what device you use, all your information is up to date — no docking required.

Click to watch quicktour.

Push email, push contacts, push calendar

MobileMe keeps your mail, contacts, and calendar information in the “cloud” and uses push technology to keep everything in sync across your iPhone, Mac, PC, and the web automatically. So no matter where you go or what device you use, all your information is up to date — no docking required.

Push email, push contacts, push calendar

Watch the QuickTour
Mail icon and a screenshot, and an iPhone displaying the Mail

Push email.

When you join MobileMe, you get a email account that’s always up to date. New messages are pushed to your iPhone or iPod touch automatically, and you’re notified the instant they arrive. MobileMe constantly checks for new messages, so you don’t have to. And when you use MobileMe, you’ll notice that the inbox on your iPhone looks a lot like the inbox on your Mac at home, which also looks a lot like the inbox on your PC at work. That’s because it is. Read messages are marked as read, and all your folders are exactly the way you left them, no matter what device you use to check your email. Last but not least, your MobileMe inbox is entirely ad free and includes spam and virus protection.

Click to watch quicktour.

MobileMe Mail

Your new mail is sent to your iPhone over the air. Every message and folder stays the same everywhere you check email. And MobileMe works with the email applications on your Mac, PC, iPhone, and iPod touch.

Address Book icon and a screenshot, and an iPhone displaying the Address Book

Push contacts.

With MobileMe Contacts, your entire address book is accessible from your computer, your iPhone, and on the web. Say you meet someone and add that person to Contacts on your iPhone. MobileMe automatically pushes the new contact to the cloud, and in seconds it appears in Address Book on your Mac or in Outlook on your PC. You don’t have to connect your iPhone to your computer or do anything at all. Every bit of contact information — right down to photos and notes, such as “sat next to me at the parenting seminar” — is exactly where it should be, anytime you need it.

Click to watch quicktour

MobileMe Contacts

Your entire address book goes wherever you go — on your computer, iPhone, or iPod touch.

iCal icon and a screenshot, an iPhone displaying the iCal

Push calendar.

MobileMe keeps your calendar in sync across your Mac, PC, iPhone, and iPod touch, so you always know where you need to be and when you need to be there. Change the time for your doctor’s appointment on your computer at work, and it’s automatically updated on your iPhone — no docking required. Add an event on your iPhone and it appears in the Calendar application on in seconds, then syncs to your computers. You can even manage multiple calendars. So you’ll never miss a lunch date, soccer game, or important meeting again.

Click to watch quicktour.

MobileMe Calendar

Manage your calendar at home, on the road, and on the web. With just a drag and drop, you can add and edit your events on the web at

MobileMe keeps your mail, contacts, and calendar information in the “cloud” and uses push technology to keep everything in sync across your iPhone, Mac, PC, and the web automatically. So no matter where you go or what device you use, all your information is up to date — no docking required.

Click to watch quicktour.

Push email, push contacts, push calendar

MobileMe keeps your mail, contacts, and calendar information in the “cloud” and uses push technology to keep everything in sync across your iPhone, Mac, PC, and the web automatically. So no matter where you go or what device you use, all your information is up to date — no docking required.

Push email, push contacts, push calendar

Watch the QuickTour
Mail icon and a screenshot, and an iPhone displaying the Mail

Push email.

When you join MobileMe, you get a email account that’s always up to date. New messages are pushed to your iPhone or iPod touch automatically, and you’re notified the instant they arrive. MobileMe constantly checks for new messages, so you don’t have to. And when you use MobileMe, you’ll notice that the inbox on your iPhone looks a lot like the inbox on your Mac at home, which also looks a lot like the inbox on your PC at work. That’s because it is. Read messages are marked as read, and all your folders are exactly the way you left them, no matter what device you use to check your email. Last but not least, your MobileMe inbox is entirely ad free and includes spam and virus protection.

Click to watch quicktour.

MobileMe Mail

Your new mail is sent to your iPhone over the air. Every message and folder stays the same everywhere you check email. And MobileMe works with the email applications on your Mac, PC, iPhone, and iPod touch.

MobileMe Mail

Watch the QuickTour

Address Book icon and a screenshot, and an iPhone displaying the Address Book

Push contacts.

With MobileMe Contacts, your entire address book is accessible from your computer, your iPhone, and on the web. Say you meet someone and add that person to Contacts on your iPhone. MobileMe automatically pushes the new contact to the cloud, and in seconds it appears in Address Book on your Mac or in Outlook on your PC. You don’t have to connect your iPhone to your computer or do anything at all. Every bit of contact information — right down to photos and notes, such as “sat next to me at the parenting seminar” — is exactly where it should be, anytime you need it.

Click to watch quicktour

MobileMe Contacts

Your entire address book goes wherever you go — on your computer, iPhone, or iPod touch.

MobileMe Contacts

Watch the QuickTour

iCal icon and a screenshot, an iPhone displaying the iCal

Push calendar.

MobileMe keeps your calendar in sync across your Mac, PC, iPhone, and iPod touch, so you always know where you need to be and when you need to be there. Change the time for your doctor’s appointment on your computer at work, and it’s automatically updated on your iPhone — no docking required. Add an event on your iPhone and it appears in the Calendar application on in seconds, then syncs to your computers. You can even manage multiple calendars. So you’ll never miss a lunch date, soccer game, or important meeting again.

Click to watch quicktour.

MobileMe Calendar

Manage your calendar at home, on the road, and on the web. With just a drag and drop, you can add and edit your events on the web at

MobileMe Calendar

Watch the QuickTour

Pre tento výrobok doporučujeme ako najlacnejší spôsob prepravy odoslanie na odberné miesto Packeta. MobileMe Family Pack tak môžete mať iba za 130,80 € vrátane prepravy. Zasielame tiež do Českej republiky, Maďarska a Rumunska iba za 6€.

Doručenie na výdajné miesto Packety

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Diskusia, hodnotenie a iné informácie od užívateľov k produktu MobileMe Family Pack
 Nie sú príspevky. (Môžete byť prvý, kto pridá hodnotný príspevok k tomuto výrobku. Ak máte praktické skúsenosti s týmto výrobkom, môžete sa pokúsiť napísať aj krátku užívateľskú recenziu.)

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