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Panasonic videokamera HDC-SD600EP- K SDXC
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Panasonic videokamera HDC-SD600EP- K SDXC
AVCHD 3MOS kamera, Full-HD záznam 1920x1080(50p)na SD kartu, 35mm širokouhlý objektív,
stabilizácia POWER O.I.S., 12x LEICA, 18x inteligentný zoom, INTELIGENTNÉ AUTO i.detekcia tvári/i.detekcia scén/i riad.kontrastu, rozpoznanie známych tvári, sledovanie a zaostr. pohybujúcich sa objektov (AF Tracking), i.sprievodca natáčaním, i.výber a preskočenie nepodarených záberov, PRE-REC záznam s 3s predstihom,
HD Crystal Engine Pro, x.v. Colour technológia, 2ch stereo zoom mikrofón, stat.snímky 14.2 Mpx, 2.7" 16:9 dotykový POWER LCD(230K),
Kúpiť iba za
694 €
Kamera produkuje výnimočne kvalitný obraz, za ktorým stojí predovšetkým trojčipový systém CMOS
a svetelný objektív Leica Dicomar. Výkonný obrazový procesor garantuje prvotriedne výsledky
pri slabom svetle s minimom šumu. Nový formát 1080/50p ponúka skvelé prekreslenie pohybu.
Pokročilí užívatelia ocenia bohatú škálu manuálnych funkcií a nastavení, ostriaci systém Focus Assistance
a zobrazenie histogramu. Nový systém inteligentnej automatiky ponúka kontinuálne ostrenie
i meranie expozície, dvojstupňový stabilizátor obrazu zjednodušuje natáčanie reportáží.“

- AVCHD 3MOS kamera, 
- Full-HD záznam 1920x1080(50p)na SD kartu, 
- 35mm širokouhlý objektív, 
- stabilizácia POWER O.I.S., 
- 12x LEICA, 
- 18x inteligentný zoom, 
- INTELIGENTNÉ AUTO - i.detekcia tvári/i.detekcia scén/i riad.kontrastu, rozpoznanie známych tvári, sledovanie a zaostr. pohybujúcich sa objektov (AF Tracking), i.sprievodca natáčaním, i.výber a preskočenie nepodarených záberov, 
- PRE-REC - záznam s 3s predstihom, 
- HD Crystal Engine Pro, 
- x.v. Colour technológia, 
- 2ch stereo zoom mikrofón, 
- stat.snímky 14.2 Mpx, 
- 2.7" 16:9 dotykový POWER LCD(230K), 
- možnosť úpravy záznamu v kamere, 
- vstavaný blesk,
- okamžitý štart 0.6s, 
- farebné nočné snímanie, 
- intervalové nahrávanie, 
- aut.krytka objektívu, 
- kompletne v češtine, 
- priložené: softwarové sady pre strihanie a prepis videa na DVD, USB 2.0, video komponentný kábel(YUV), AV/USB kábel. 
- kapacita záznamu na 64GB SDXC kartu - 5h20min / 8h30min /11h / 16h50min / 27h30min (režimy 50p/HA/HG/HN/HE)


Makes optimal settings automatically – for both motion and still images.
iA (Intelligent Auto)

This powerful function senses the shooting conditions and automatically makes the settings and activates functions that will deliver optimal results. With both motion and still images, iA does the bothersome settings for you and makes it easy to capture beautiful, well-focused images.

* The functions included in iA may not be applied when conditions do not call for them.

iA (Intelligent Auto)

Recognizes important people's faces and captures them beautifully.
NewFace Recognition

Face RecognitionThe Face Recognition function recognizes the faces of registered subjects, and automatically optimizes the focus and exposure for those special people. It continues to track the subject as he or she moves anywhere within the LCD frame, making it ideal for video shooting. It is extremely useful for capturing someone's face in a group. Names can also be registered and displayed on the LCD while shooting. A total of six people can be registered, and the names of up to three people at a time can be displayed in the shooting frame.

Face Recognition

Suppresses even the slight hand-shake.
NewPOWER O.I.S. (Optical Image Stabilization) with Active Mode

POWER O.I.S. (Optical Image Stabilization)The popular O.I.S. (Optical Image Stabilization) function that detects hand-shake while shooting and corrects the optical axis to minimize blurring has evolved into the new POWER O.I.S. It features more powerful hand-shake detection and a greatly improved corrective capability. When shooting, hand-shake often comes on gradually due to factors like breathing rhythms or the surrounding wind. While this kind of low-frequency hand-shake went undetected with conventional O.I.S., POWER O.I.S. has a variety of new functions that detect even the slightest shake. It suppresses hand-shake with approximately five times* the corrective capability. And POWER O.I.S. also works for zooming, which is highly susceptible to hand-shake, and for both high and low angle shooting, where hand-shake often creeps in. It's an optical system so there's no image degradation, which means that you capture all the natural beauty that the lens has to offer.

* Compared to previous O.I.S. systems.

POWER O.I.S. (Optical Image Stabilization) with Active Mode

Zoom Shooting

Zoom Shooting

Active Mode

Active mode comes in handy when shooting while walking or playing with your children. The wide correction area corrects even relatively large hand-shake motion. It‘s especially good for active video shooting.

POWER O.I.S. with Active Mode excels in situations like these

Locks on a subject and tracks it.
AF/AE Tracking

AF/AE TrackingTouch the LCD screen to indicate the subject, such as a person or an animal, that you want to focus on, and let AF/AE Tracking do the rest. The camera locks on the subject and follows it around, keeping it in sharp focus and properly exposed. It keeps tracking even if the subject turns to the side. This advanced function makes it easy to get a continually clear, beautiful shot of the subject in the scene you care most about.

Detects the situation and switches the scene mode automatically.
Intelligent Scene Selector

Intelligent Scene SelectorThe Intelligent Scene Selector function analyzes the shooting situation and automatically switches the camcorder to the suitable scene mode that will give you optimal results.


This mode captures faces beautifully. With Soft Skin mode, complexions are automatically enhanced to make faces attractive.


This mode is ideal for shooting wide landscapes and sweeping vistas, such as at the ocean or in the mountains. It balances the exposure over the entire frame to prevent brighter parts of the image, such as the sky, from being washed out or having blown highlights.


The camcorder automatically uses this mode for scenes with particularly strong contrast, such as when you're shooting a spot lit area on a darkened stage. It captures the well-lit subject perfectly and prevents washed-out areas.

  Low Light

In dim lighting, the camcorder automatically switches to a slower shutter speed so that images across the entire frame are bright and easy to see.


Captures faces beautifully - even in dim or backlit scenes.
Face Detection

Face DetectionFace Detection automatically senses the ambient lighting and adjusts the exposure accordingly, so faces are bright and easy to see. The focus also prioritizes the faces, and skin tones are smoothed. Faces in the center of the frame serve as the reference for adjustments, but the function can detect up to 15 faces at once.

Helps suppress blown highlights and retains a natural contrast.
Intelligent Contrast Control

Intelligent Contrast ControlIntelligent Contrast Control detects the ambient light level and adjusts the exposure accordingly, helping to prevent blown highlights and blocked shadows. You can capture natural looking, highly nuanced images with proper contrast.

With a Special iA Mode for Still Images

The iA function is active even when the camera is in still-image mode. When the Intelligent Scene Selector detects the shooting situation, it automatically switches to one of the five Scene modes for still-image shooting, and optimizes the settings for the still image.

•Sports •Portrait •Spot Light •Snow •Beach
•Sunset •Fireworks •Scenery •Night Scenery
•Night Portrait •Macro

With a Special iA Mode for Still Images

Craft images with intuitive ease.
HS700TM700SD700Manual Ring

Manual RingThe manual ring gives you easy, fingertip control over the focus, zoom and exposure settings. You'll find using the ring a much more intuitive, comfortable, user-friendly process than accessing a menu screen. With the manual ring and manual operation, the HD700 Series is a pleasure to use and gives you the freedom to craft unusually expressive images.

Manual Ring


Just rotate the ring to zoom in and out. You have full control of the zooming speed and can zoom in or out to the precise degree you want.



Just rotate the ring to focus. You can focus on the exact point you want, even if it's not in the center of the frame. You can also change the focus as you shoot, to get the kind of creative shots you sometimes see in movies.


White Balance

Select from Auto, Indoor, Outdoor and White Set according to the location, weather or type of lighting. You'll always get the best possible coloring even if the light source changes.

White Balance

Shutter Speed

The shutter speed can be adjusted from 1/24 to 1/8,000 of a second. Use a high shutter speed when shooting sports events or fast-moving subjects, and you can get clear, sharp, incredible action shots.

Shutter Speed


Use the ring to adjust the aperture to regulate the amount of light let in. You can also use this setting to attain a shallow depth of field, blur the background, or create frames that emphasize the foreground, for creating movie-like expressions.


A precise way to check the lighting.
On-Screen Assist

Ideal for making fine brightness adjustments that are difficult to see in the LCD. A handy guide for correcting the exposure is shown right in the monitor.

Zebra Pattern   Brightness Level   Histogram

Zebra Pattern
A "zebra pattern" is displayed in areas of the frame where the lighting is excessive and the image is over-exposed.


Brightness Level
The light level is metered at the center of the frame and displayed as a percentage (%). This serves as a guide when you're shooting a subject that's backlit, or when you want to keep the light level the same even though the lighting conditions change.


The histogram displays in graph form the exposure and contrast conditions over the entire frame. This lets you determine fine gradation details that are difficult to tell by just looking at the screen.

Expressive performance with detailed.
HS700TM700SD700Handy Functions and Interfaces

You can enjoy more professional shooting with handy functions.

Microphone and Headphone Terminal   Electronic Viewfinder   Accessory Shoe

Microphone and Headphone Terminal
There's a mic input terminal and a headphone jack on the side of the camcorder. Plug in an external mic or headphones (both optional) if desired.


Electronic Viewfinder
The extendable electronic viewfinder is easy to use and convenient for focusing and other adjustments.


Accessory Shoe
Optional accessories can be attached here to increase shooting versatility.

* TM700: Use of the included shoe adaptor is required.

Captures smiles automatically.
NewSmile Shot (Still Image)

The new Smile Shot function automatically detects subject smiles, and captures the best possible smile while you're shooting movies. It lets you easily catch those fleeting, easy-to-miss stills of a smiling subject. It will also optimize the focus and exposure for your subject's smiling face.

Smile Shot (Still Image)

Capture the smiles of only certain subjects – Face Recognition Linked   Capture the smiles of an entire group – Face Detection Linked   Capture the smiling face of a moving subject – AF/AE Tracking Linked

Capture the smiles of only certain subjects - Face Recognition Linked
This function detects subjects who are registered in advance and automatically snaps the shutter to catch the subject's best possible smile. It's great for capturing the smiles of certain people in a group.


Capture the smiles of an entire group - Face Detection Linked
This function automatically snaps the people within the LCD frame smiles. It gives you shots of an entire group of people smiling, making it great for group shots.


Capture the smiling face of a moving subject - AF/AE Tracking Linked
Simply touch a subject within the LCD frame. This function will then lock on and start tracking your subject. When the subject smiles, it'll automatically snap the shutter.

Slow events that take place over long periods of time can be condensed into short, smooth images.
Time Lapse Recording

The time lapse function uses longer frame intervals than standard shooting. You can use this function to capture shortened or condensed footage of events that actually take place over a much longer time period. For example, time lapse recording is ideal for shooting a flower in the process of blooming, or a long, slow sunset. With time lapse recording, you have an interesting new video technique to explore.

Time Lapse Recording

Intuitive shooting, easy viewing
Touch Screen Operation

Control settings are made by simply touching the 3.0'' Wide LCD screen*. Operation is intuitive and easy, and the large letters are easy to read. Shooting and viewing are simple and stress-free, even for beginners.

* The SD600 has a 2.7" Wide LCD screen.

Touch Screen Operation

Great for sudden photo opportunities! Saves energy too!
1.0-sec Quick Power-On

1.0-Sec Quick Power-OnSwitch the power on and the HD camcorders are in standby mode in approx. 1.0 seconds, ready to shoot when you are. When the LCD is closed, the power automatically switches off. This fast startup and automatic shutdown also help reduce battery consumption.

* Depending on the recording conditions, start time may be longer than 1.0 second in still picture recording mode.

0.6-sec Quick Start

Using Quick Start mode, you simply flip open the LCD and you're ready to shoot in just 0.6 seconds*. When Eco mode is also used, the power turns off whenever the camcorder has not been operated for 5 minutes. This reduces wasted power consumption, and enables a longer battery life.

* Depending on the recording conditions, start time may be longer than 0.6 seconds in still picture recording mode.

1.0-Sec Quick Power-On

When the built-in memory fills up, recording automatically continues on an SD Memory Card.
TM700Relay Recording

The Relay Recording mode automatically switches from the built-in flash memory (once it's full) to the SDXC/SDHC/SD Memory Card and continues recording. You don't have to worry about missing an important shot while switching media.

Relay Recording

How to combine motion images that are split onto two types of media as a continuous scene.
Arrange the data that is split onto two types of media on an SDXC/SDHC/SD Memory Card.

SDHC/SD Memory CardIf the SDXC/SDHC/SD Memory Card has sufficient capacity, it's possible to arrange all of the split data as a single continuous scene on the SDXC/SDHC/SD Memory Card.

Use the included software.

You can also use the editing software that is included with the camcorder to join the split data as a continuous scene.

  Use a DVD burner to create a disc.

DVD burnerIf the SDXC/SDHC/SD Memory Card is not big enough to hold all of the split data, use a DVD burner to create a disc with all the motion images as a single continuous scene.

Helps protect recorded video data from damage due to jolts and impact.
HS700240GB*1 HDD

The internal hard drive lets you record continuously for up to 102 hours*2 without changing a disc, SDXC/SDHC/SD Memory Card or other recording media.

*1 The 240GB hard drive utilizes a portion of the storage space for formatting, file management and other purposes. 240GB is 240 billion bytes. Usable capacity will be less.
*2 In HE mode

240 GB HDD

Anti-Shock ShieldAnti-Shock Shield:
Protects recorded video data from damage due to jolts and impact

Anti-Shock Shield

Images are recorded even before you begin shooting.
Pre-Rec Function

Pre-Rec.This smart function records three seconds of images even before you actually begin shooting. The images are held temporarily in the camcorder's internal memory, before recording begins. This helps ensure that you won't miss the start of a moment you want to record, such as when an event begins all of a sudden. For example, if you're waiting to snap a shot of a jumping dolphin, you can press the REC button after you've made sure that the dolphin has cleared the surface of the water. The camcorder will record the entire scene, from the instant of the dolphin's jump until it disappears again into the sea.

* The camera must be aimed at the subject in advance.

Pre-Rec Function

Inside or out, you can adjust the LCD brightness.
Auto Power LCD

The LCD brightness can be adjusted manually to suit the surroundings. In Auto Mode, the LCD brightness is adjusted automatically in 16 smooth steps depending on the surroundings. In darker rooms it adjusts to a lower brightness, making it easier to frame the shot. Outside, it adjusts to almost twice the brightness for easy viewing even on sunny days.

Auto Power LCD

Beautiful LCD images even from an angle.
Wide Viewing Angle

The LCD has a highly detailed, 230,400-dots display and a viewing angle of 170°, both vertically and horizontally. Images are clear and bright even when viewed from an angle, so everyone can gather around the LCD to enjoy on-the-spot recordings. The wide viewing angle is also great for taking high- or low-angle shots.

Wide Viewing Angle

Prevents unintended shooting.
AGS (Auto Ground-Directional Standby)

The O.I.S. linear motor system can detect when the camera is in an unusual shooting position - such as when you've inadvertently left it on in recording mode. In these cases, the camera automatically stops recording, saving both battery power and media storage space.

* Set to OFF when shipped from the factory. To turn AGS ON, the setting must be made on the menu screen.
** In PAL area, the AGS (Auto Ground-Directional Standby) is called the Anti Ground Shooting.

AGS (Auto Ground-Directional Standby)

Captures those spur-of-the-moment scenes.
New60 Frames/Sec High-Speed Burst Shooting

This function lets the camcorder snap up to 60 consecutive still images* in a second, or up to 180 consecutive shots in 3 seconds. You can use it to analyze a golf swing, tennis stroke or other motion. You can also use it to get good shots of subjects in fast motion. Just fire off a number of shots without stopping, then keep the best ones and delete the rest.

* When recorded at 2.1-megapixel resolution.

60 Frames/Sec High-Speed Burst Shooting

Adjusts the focus easily.
Focus Assist

This function shows which subjects are in-focus by displaying their outlines in blue. You can easily check the focus on LCD when manually focusing, to ensure consistently clear, sharp images.

Focus Assist

Supports your best composition.
Composition Guide Lines

With wide LCD monitors, it's hard to keep images perfectly level. The 700 Series and SD600 solve this by displaying horizontal and vertical Composition Guide Lines that make it easy to keep the subject straight and level.

Composition Guide Lines

Variety of index for easy selection of particular scenes.
Face Highlight, Highlight and Time Frame Index

The index function has been enhanced with the addition of a feature that divides each recorded scene into a number of smaller scenes, and displays thumbnails for each. This makes it much easier to find a particular part of a scene without having to fast-forward.

Face Highlight Index   Highlight Index   Time Frame Index

Face Highlight Index
The newly added Face Highlight Index selects scenes that have faces in them and displays them in an index format. This handy function lets you quickly find and view scenes that have people in them.


Highlight Index
The camera automatically selects and displays the most exciting scenes. It determines the level of importance of each scene based on zooming and panning, and whether there are faces. This gives you an easy, convenient way to view all the highlights together.


Time Frame Index
This mode divides each recorded clip into 3-second, 6-second, 12-second, 1-minute and 5-minute intervals, and displays them. This is convenient when you want to find a specific scene within a long clip.

Select the recording mode to match your needs.
1080/60p* Mode, HA / HG / HX / HE Mode

The TM700 is equipped with a built-in 32GB memory, and can be used together with a 64GB SDXC Memory Card to shoot for up to 41 hours 10 minutes**. Choose the recording mode that matches your intended use – HE mode for maximum recording time, or 1080/60p mode* for optimal image quality.

* 1080/50p in PAL areas.
** In HE mode.

Motion Picture Recording Time [approx.]

Motion Picture Recording Time [approx.]
・These figures vary depending on the pictures being recorded.
* 1 GB means 1 billion bytes. Usable capacity will be less.

Capture crisp, vivid images even in low lighting.
Color Night Rec/Colour Night View

Leave the light off. Color Night Rec/Colour Night View gives you images with color even in dim lighting (1 lx).

Color Night Rec/Colour Night View

Easy time setting - Both on the destination and at home.
World Time

Setting the time is as easy as selecting a city from the displayed map. The World Time function lets you set the time for two cities, home and destination. You don't have to figure out the time difference at your destination, and it's easy when you get home.

World Time

No more lost lens caps.
Auto Lens Cover

When the power is turned on, the lens cover automatically opens. When the power goes off, the lens cover closes. You don't have to keep removing and replacing a lens cap - or worry about losing it.

Auto Lens Cover

Cena bez DPH:  579,00 €
Cena vrátane DPH:  694,80 €
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